Sunday 1 September 2013


The studio of mosaic art was part of SALA this year.
Bruce opened the studio to visitors on the 10th and 11th of August.
It gave people a chance to see a collection of students work, which was gathered for the event and to also see works in progress.
The event was blessed with great weather and many took the opportunity to see past and present works on display.
As usual with an open event like this, the studio had a theme and this year it was, mushrooms.
Mad mushroom construction has been going on for months and the result was well worth the efforts by all who participated.

Many artists and current students lent their work for the open days.

As well as these, Bruce's own work was on display, as always.

It was also a chance for people to see works in progress.
Often the larger pieces take months to construct and seem to become part of studio landscape itself. It is often sad to see a piece finally finished and on their way to it intended home.

Photography and article by Rose Wynne.